From the beer menu: “Belgian yeast, fig & dark fruits.”
I’m pretty sure the description here is wrong. I’m pretty sure it should read “Black magic and fairy dust brewed using ancient hoodoo practices, combine to form a tasteful bouquet that will blow your mind.” That more accurately sums up what this beer tastes like. I don’t know anything about figs or what they’d classify as “dark fruits” and I don’t care. This has to be one of the best beers I’ve ever had. It’s the beer that started my love affair with the Goose Island brewery. Most of what I’ve had from them has been very good, and this is among the premier beers they make, at least in my opinion. It’s dark, has a hint of sweetness, and goes down super smooth. While it’s stronger than your average beer, it’s not so strong that you can’t have a few and have trouble standing up. I highly recommend it!
8% ABV