Bottle description: Big Bear, as the name implies, is a hefty black stout. This stout boasts a rich, caramel sweetness lavished by a robust deep roasted heartiness you can really sink your teeth into.
ABV: 8.1.%
My thoughts: There’s a strong aroma here that seems to me to be a blend of malt and caramel. While the ABV isn’t super high, I am able to pick up an undertone of alcohol odor in the aroma. The flavor is pretty interesting. The description claims a “rich, caramel sweetness,” but I have to disagree somewhat. Its got some sweetness, but it takes a seat in the back… way back. Imagine the flavor of caramel, but without 90% of the sweetness. That makes up the main part of the flavor. As I said, there is some sweetness in there, but it’s minimized. This is in no way a sweet beer. Mixed in somewhere with that caramel is a smoky sort of flavor. It provides a good counterpoint to the caramel and balances the overall smooth feel of the beer with a bit of a rough edge. It’s not all that carbonated, which I find pretty commonly with the stouts I’ve tried. It leaves a bit of a tart smoke aftertaste, which I rather enjoy. I almost never do this, but I’m gonna recommend a food pairing! I feel like this would pair well with cheese or something similarly rich and salty. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with this beer, and not just because its going to my head!
Number of times I’ve had it: 1 (22 ounce bottle)
Rating: 4/5
Location: Got this as a birthday gift and drank it at home.