Website description: Strawman combines a distinct blend of juices from culinary and bittersweet apples, and is aged on oak, resulting in a complex, wine-like cider with apple and citrus notes and an earthy finish.
ABV: 10%
My thoughts: This has a great cinnamon and nutmeg scent. You’d think it would be sweet given the aroma, but its surprisingly tart! Like a fresh fall apple, it’s crisp and tart with just a bit of sweet juiciness. It’s quite carbonated and feels light on the tongue. It tastes almost like a Granny Smith apple at the very end, which lingers for a bit. Like all great beers and ciders, you don’t get a sense of how strong it is. This is definitely an excellent fall cider that would be great in any occasion.
Number of times I’ve had it: 1 (750 mL bottle)
Rating: 4.5/5
Location: Bought at Bottle Values, drank at home during Thanksgiving with the family.