Style: German pilsner
Menu description: Germany’s number one selling premier pilsner. Grassy notes, grainy pine malts, crisp.
ABV: 4.8%
Tasting notes: This has a nice sweet malt aroma. It’s slightly sweet, but predominantly tastes of a grass infused…. Pilsner flavor? I don’t know quite how to describe it. Most pilsners seem to me to have a characteristic flavor that I haven’t tasted elsewhere. It’s got a malt backbone, but is pretty light and sort of herbal. There’s a dryness to it as well. This has a strong carbonation, which helps support its crisp feel. The aftertaste is slightly metallic, which I’m not a fan of. It’s not bad for a pilsner, but it’s still a pilsner, so I’m not really a big fan.
Rating: 3/5