Style: Belgian style dark ale
Menu description: Hint of oak & red wine, malty, flavors of dark fruits.
ABV: 8.3%
Tasting notes: Quite malty, but decent. Tastes kinda chocolatey on my second go around. I approve!
Rating: 3.5/5

Style: Belgian style dark ale
Menu description: Hint of oak & red wine, malty, flavors of dark fruits.
ABV: 8.3%
Tasting notes: Quite malty, but decent. Tastes kinda chocolatey on my second go around. I approve!
Rating: 3.5/5
Update: Yeah, so this experiment in real time writing while drinking didn’t really go anywhere. I think I did this for maybe 2-3 weeks before calling it quits. Keeping notes in Evernote and fighting the WordPress app to update the website without posting enormous versions of the pictures and trying to actually hang out with my friends was just a bit too much to juggle at once.
Yes, yes, I know it’s been forever. Why has it been forever? I’m fucking lazy, that’s why! On with the show!
So I’ve decided that on Mondays I’m gonna update this shit real time as I drink these beers. Unfortunately, this Monday all the beers are repeats from last week, so my thoughts are all from last week, but you haven’t seen them so you wouldn’t know anyway!
Menu description: Robust malt & spice flavors, great winter ale.
ABV: 5.5%
My thoughts: This is a very good beer. Malty goodness, which is hilarious for me to say because I’m typically not a big fan of malt flavors, as regular readers would know. Assuming I even have regular readers anymore. Or had them in the first place. Uh, so anyway, this beer is dark as night and smells pretty good. It’s very smooth and easy to drink. Not too strong, so you can have several. Highly recommended.
This is my 2nd glass now, and it’s even better than the first. Christmas seasonal beers are my 2nd favorite type of beer, after fall seasonals. They’re just so full of warm and fuzzy goodness. I don’t know how such a thing is possible and able to be shoved into a bottle, but there it is.
Number of times I’ve had it: 3
Rating: 4/5
Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY